Import Wizard

4 minute read
  • Add records from any Salesforce object to Campaign Monitor.

  • Map Salesforce fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields.

  • Schedule to automate the process.

Creating an Import

Before you begin you will need a subscriber list and a data source (Salesforce campaign, report, list view or SOQL statement).
  1. Go to the Subscriber list tab in Salesforce.

  2. Then click the label of the list i.e. SL-0001.

  3. Now click Import wizard then click the new import button.

  4. Select your data source and then click next.

  5. Map Salesforce fields to Campaign Monitor.

  6. Immediately start the import, or set up a schedule for future runs or both.

Salesforce limits report imports to 50,000 records. If you are using Salesforce Professional list view import are not supported. If you set up the import wizard using a list view it will not update should the view be changed. To update an import using a list view edit and click through to save the changes.

Advanced Settings

On the schedule page of the import wizard you will find a collapsed section for advanced features. For most customers these settings are not needed.

Subscriber List Management
The Campaign Monitor import wizard allows you to add, update from your lists. You can also choose to resubscribe deleted subscribers.

Default: Add, Update Subscribers
This option will add or update subscribers that are in the source import.

Add, Update, Resubscribe Deleted Subscribers
In addition to adding and updating subscribers, this option will also set deleted subscribers back to active. Please Note - Bounced, unsubscribed, or suppressed subscribers will not be resubscribed.

Removing Records

If you have multiple import wizards on the same subscriber list, use the options below with caution. The Remove feature deletes any subscriber not on the source, including those from other import wizards.

The replace feature allows you to set records in Campaign Monitor to deleted if they are not in the source import. There are two options that allow you to do this:

Add, Update, Remove Subscribers
In addition to adding and updating subscribers, this option will also set any subscribers in Campaign Monitor to deleted if they are not in the source import.

Add, Update, Remove, Resubscribe Deleted Subscribers
This option will complete all four actions. It will add and update records. If records are not in the source import they will be set to deleted in Campaign Monitor. Records that are in the import but have a deleted status in Campaign Monitor will be made active again.‍
Which option should you choose?
The best option for you will depend on your specific needs. If you only need to add or update subscribers, then the default option is fine. If you need to resubscribe deleted subscribers, then you should choose the third option. If you need to remove subscribers from your lists, then you should choose the second option. And if you need to do all four actions, then you should choose the fourth option.

Clear blank values
If you have mapped a field to Campaign Monitor that has a blank value in Salesforce. And you want this to also set the value in Campaign Monitor to blank. You first need to enable the clear blank value option.

Create segments
A new Beta feature allows you to create a segment as part of the import wizard flow. This can be useful where you have a single subscriber list but would like to email only a few of those subscribers based on records in the import wizard. To make the feature visible on the import wizard, please click here to locate and enable the option.

Once the import completes:

1. A new multi-select picklist will be created in Campaign Monitor.  
2. All the  members of the import will have the value selected.  
3. A new Campaign Monitor segment will be created.
Expiry date
If you have scheduled an import wizard you can optionally put an expiry date in. This will the stop the import from running again after the selected date.

You can permanently delete subscribers from a Campaign Monitor subscriber list. If these records are imported in any way either via our integration or directly they will be considered as new susbcribers.

Managing an Import

Once an import has been created, a record will show in the recent imports table. The record will show key information such as when it last ran, when it will next run, and who it runs as.In addition to the far right, there is a dropdown arrow. Once clicked, a sub-menu will show the following options:
  • Results - Shows the results of the last import.

  • Edit - Allows you to make changes to the import.

  • Delete - Will delete the import record.

  • Change user - Changes the running user of the import.

  • Run now - Runs the import immediatley once clicked.

Global general Options

There are also some global options that apply to the import wizard. If it is enabled it will apply to all imports. To review the option please click here.

Prevent Contacts or Leads being added to lists when Email Opt Out is checked (Import Wizard Only)
With this option enabled if an email address belongs to a contact or lead record that has the standard email opt out field set to true they will not be added to Campaign Monitor. It is worth noting that if there are duplicate records and any of those records are opted out none will be added to Campaign Monitor.

Enable Import Wizard Segments
This option needs to be enabled to show the segement option as part of the import wizard see above.


Salesforce has a few hard limits which everyone has to respect. A good example of a Salesforce limit is the number of schedule Apex jobs you can have running at the same time. Each selected day and time on the import wizard scheduler page counts as a job.

This roughly translates to how many schedule import wizard jobs you can run at the same time. For most customers the limit far exceeds their needs, and therefore will never be an issue. If we detect that you have too many imports running at the same time and there are no slots we'll try again later. We also provide messaging should you have schedules overlapping.

But if you need a lot of scheduled imports there are some key things we'd suggest.

1. Try to stager the start time for imports if you have more than one.
2. You don't have to select every hour if possible try to leave wider gaps.
3. If you are running an import frequently check your source to make it as efficient as possible.
a. Only include the columns of data you are actually importing.
b. Consider using a filtter only include records that have changed recently.
c. Exclude records that have been opted out, or don't have a valid email address via filters.

If you are not sure how many schedule imports you have we have created a report to help. Please checkout the Subscriber Imports Report (Schedule) found in the Campaign Monitor for Salesforce report folder.

Next Steps

Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.


What is the sync?

Why does an import schedule sometimes take longer?

What Happens When Two Imports with Segments are Running?

What happens if I change a segment name on an existing import?

How are Salesforce Campaigns sorted when importing via the import wizard?

How do I change the running user of an import wizard job?

Can I create custom field when using SOQL?

Do you update subscriber members who are on the suppression list?

How to schedule jobs work?

Why can I not see an object when working with the import wizard and list views?

Working with list views

Does user timezone impact the import wizard schedule?

Can I use a list view with the import wizard on professional edition?

What happens if the import wizard does not run?

Can I automatically create a segement?

How do I clear picklist values in Campaign Monitor?

How can I import multiple reports into the same susbcriber list?

How can I work with more than one email address for the same person?

Why are records missing from my import?

Why are records missing from my Campaign Monitor segments?

Does the import wizard have any limits?

Why does the import wizard not run for a specific user?

How does personalization work?

How does segmentation work?

What is re-subscribing and how does it work via the import wizard?

How can I change the running user of an import?

Are there any reasons the replace feature will not work?

How can I stop duplicates?

Can I see the results of an import?

Can the import wizard run outside of the schedule?

Why use the Import wizard vs Subscriber rules?

How to update picklist values in Campaign Monitor?

How is Campaign Monitor data linked to Salesforce records?

What happens if my import contains duplicate email addresses?

How do I update the import wizard when I change the associated list view?

I can't add a new Campaign Monitor field when using SOQL

In this article