How do I manually update page layouts?

It is rare but it possible for the code to automatically update your contact, lead or campaign page layouts not to work due to a conflict. A Salesforce administrator or consultant can easily setup the pages using the steps below:

Contacts or Leads

1. Go to the contact / lead page layout.

2. Drag onto the page the
a. subscriber list memberships and
b. email tracking history related lists.

3. On the subscriber list memberships related list click the wrench icon.

4. Click on the plus icon for buttons
a. uncheck New and Change Owner
b. Move the appropiate Add and view buttons to selected buttons as well as the unsubscribe all

5. On the email tracking history related list click the wrench icon.

6. Click on the plus icon for buttons uncheck New and Change Owner.

7. Once finished click Save.


1. Go to the campaign page layout.

2. Optionally create a new section called Campaign Monitor.

3. Drag on the fields below to that section:

a. World View Email Tracking
b. Num Unsubscribed
c. Num Unique Opens
d. Num Spam Complaints
e. Num Recipients
f. Num Opens
g. Num Mentions
h. Num Likes
i. Num Forwards
j. Num Clicks
k. Num Bounced
l. Email Web Version
m. Email Text Version
n. Campaign Monitor Id
o. Campaign Monitor

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