5 minute read
  • An audience is made up of members.

  • A member is an email address that belongs to an audience.

  • If you already have audiences in Mailchimp, they will be pulled into Salesforce when the primary sync runs.

Audience Records

The interactive demo below walks you through how to find Mailchimp audiences and how they work in Salesforce. 

Audience Component

The interactive demo below walks you through how to find the Mailchimp audiences component and how it works in Salesforce.

Next Steps

Below are the articles that we recommend reading and the best next steps.


What does cleaned mean?

How much does it cost?

How do I see unsubscribes in Salesforce?

Do you support Salesforce Personal Accounts?

How can I remove a tag using the Salesforce integration

Do you support Person Accounts?

Which email is used when creating new contacts

How does matching work?

What's The difference between partial and full audience refresh?

How do renames works?

Can I sync the email opt out field?

When do the audience tab synced dates get updated?

What is an audience member error?

What are the different types of member status?

What should I do if my audience is missing members in Salesforce?

My audience is missing?

Why is the map missing?

What is an audience member?

How do I delete an audience?

How do I edit an audience?

How do I create an audience?

Can I add a Salesforce record to an audience

In this article