Import Wizard

  • Add records from any Salesforce object to Emma via a list view, report, SOQL or Salesforce campaign.

  • Map Salesforce fields to Emma custom fields to allow segmentation or personalization.

  • Add or remove records from Emma groups.

If you are working with an Emma HQ account it is not possible to add audience members to the parent level, make sure to connect a sub client.

Creating an import

The import wizard needs a source in the form of a Salesforce campaign, report, list view or SOQL statement. If you have not already done so create one of these first ensuring you include an email field (not applicable to SOQL).

Please note that Salesforce limits, report imports to 50,000 records if you have more than this try using the SOQL, campaigns or list view approach. List view import is not available in Salesforce Professional.

  1. Go to the Emma tab in Salesforce

  2. Now click Import wizard then click the New import button.

  3. The wizard will appear asking you to select between a Salesforce campaign, report, list view or SOQL statement.

  4. The next screen depends on what you have selected, you will be asked to choose:
    a. List view - an object and a list view.
    b. Report - a folder and a report.
    c. Campaign - a Salesforce campaign and a status (you can also choose all statuses).
    d. SOQL - an editor that you can enter your query in and validate it.

  5. Next map Salesforce fields to Emma custom fields.  If you already have custom fields in Emma, these will appear.  If not you can create them from this screen. If you choose to map a Salesforce Contact or Lead ID we will use this to match records instead of an email address.

  6. The wizard allows you to immediately Start the import, set up a Schedule for future runs or Both. If you choose to schedule you can select one, more or all run times. You can also select to add members to one or more Emma groups. And you can choose to remove members from groups.

  7. There is also an Advanced settings which by default is collapsed. When expanded you can choose to add imported members to one or more groups. In addition you can enable the Remove members from groups options. When Remove members from groups is enabled, only audience members (i.e. Salesforce emails) in this import will be linked to the selected Emma groups. Any Emma audience members not in this import will be removed from the Emma selected groups selected .

Once submitted a subscriber import record will be created and visible on the import wizard section.  Here you will be able to monitor the status of the import, see scheduling information, and view the results of a completed import.  Every time an import runs it will add any new subscribers and update custom field mappings.

By default a record that has been archived in Emma will not be made active when the import wizard runs. This can be changed via Emma Settings please click here.


The remove feature should be fully understood before using. Typically it is used when you only have one scheduled import. But you can use it with multiple imports. The first thing to note is that the replace feature works at a group level.


You have two scheduled imports one working with Group A and the other working with Group B. The replace option is enabled for both. This will work fine as the imports are working with two separate groups.

2. You have two scheduled imports one working with Group A and the other working with Group A & B. The replace option is enabled for both. Essentially this will not work as the two imports will conflict. Both will remove each other records from Group A.


If there are duplicate emails in Salesforce, we will first attempt to match to the most recently modified contact or lead.


By default a Salesforce record is linked to Emma via the standard email address field found on the contact or lead object. You can override this behaviour by sending the Salesforce contact or lead record ID to Emma (as a custom field).

Remove members from groups

  1. Create your import as described above.

  2. In the final step you will have the option to run or schedule the import.

  3. Click on the Remove members from groups

We don't recommend using Emma Groups as there are limitations with the Emma API that could result in Rate Limit exceptions (errors will appear in the Maintenance Logs).

Consider using segments instead of Groups. These are driven from values field values in Emma that can be synced with Salesforce. They are far more flexible, dynamic and better supported. See: List segmentation

Updating an import

  1. Go to the Emma tab

  2. Now click Import wizard.

  3. Click on the Dropdown arrow on the far right of the import you wish to Edit.

  4. Click Edit.

Deleting an import

  1. Go to the Emma tab

  2. Now click Import wizard.

  3. Click on the Dropdown arrow on the far right of the import you wish to Delete.

  4. Click Delete.

View results

Every time an import runs we store the results to show what updates occurred in Emma.
  1. Go to the Emma tab

  2. Now click Import wizard.

  3. Click on the Dropdown arrow on the far right of the import you wish to view.

  4. Click Results.

Next Steps

Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.


How does the remove members from groups option work

How does the import wizard work?

Why can I not see an object when working with the import wizard and list views?

What happens if my import has duplicate records?

What is the 50,000 limit when working with reports?

Why are record missing from my segment?

How do segments work?

Why are there missing records from my import?

In this article