Maintenance codes & messages
This page contains all the codes and messages you may see on the maintenance screen in Salesforce. See: Troubleshooting
This table shows messages captured in Salesforce, which might help when troubleshooting. To view additional information, click on the dropdown to the right and view. The support code will open up our website and provide specific guidance. There is also an audit log option to show system changes.
But via this screen you can change the default value for a particular job. For example if you are hitting a limit on our email opt-out batch job you can decrease the value. This will mean less records in the batch and more jobs.

To add an email address.
1. Click here to go to maintenance.
2. Click on the Cog Icon on the top right.
3. In the notification email field type an email address and click save.
Error codes and messages
An error occurred updating segment information with Salesforce. Check the associated error message.
Segment details are stored on the subscriber record within Salesforce. They are used by the Import Wizard when automatically creating segments within Campaign Monitor. Each Subscriber in Salesforce can only be on up to 9 automatic segments (this limit only applies to automatic segments, not segments based on normal custom fields).
A generic error occurred whilst importing Campaign Monitor campaign's statistics into Salesforce. Check log for more details.If there is a permissions error, check that the connected Campaign Monitor user has the correct Permissions to access the resource. In some cases you may need to reconnect your Salesforce instance to Campaign Monitor. You can do this via the Sync settings screen.
An error occurred whilst trying to automatically setup page layouts. Page layouts can also be configured manually. See:
An error occurred whilst attempting to schedule automatic security rule updates. Check there are no Salesforce governor limits around scheduled jobs or the user has permissions to schedule jobs.
A generic error occurred whilst attempting to process billing functions. Check the associated message for details. If the problem persist, contact Beaufort 12 Support.
Salesforce storage has been used up. Check for Salesforce storage usage. Consider limiting the amount of email tracking data used. See:
A generic error occurred whilst processing an Import Wizard job based on a Salesforce List View. Check the associated message for details.
An Inactive Salesforce user was assigned to an import wizard job and as such it has now been set inactive. This is for information only. The associated message contains the Id of the Import Wizard that has been updated.
Unable to save Campaign Monitor Journey information in Salesforce. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst trying to save Email Tracking Stats in Salesforce. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst attempting to unsubscribe a Salesforce contact from Campaign Monitor. Check the associate message for details.
Too many callouts from Salesforce were encountered whilst trying to add an update Salesforce Contacts to Campaign Monitor. Try the operation again at a later time.
Unable to view available clients. Check user has the permission set "Campaign Monitor - Standard Access". This error may occur whilst attempting to view Smart Email details within the Campaign Monitor Tab.
Unable to refresh the OAuth token. There could be a temporary outage within Campaign Monitor. The system will automatically attempt the refresh at a later date.
An error occurred whilst attempting to update custom field options in Campaign Monitor that are associated with an automatic segmentation.
An error occurred whilst trying to retrieve smart email details from Campaign Monitor. This could result in a delay syncing Email Detail results from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce messages.
An error occurred whilst attempting to schedule automatic security rules. The system will attempt to resolve itself on the next sync. If the error persist, check for Salesforce governor limits around scheduled jobs.
An error occurred whilst attempting to send smart emails. Check the associated message for details. If the problem persists, contact Beaufort 12 support.
There are not enough Flex Queue jobs available when attempting to send smart emails. The system will still attempt to process the jobs, however if emails are not sending, check for other competing Salesforce jobs that are using up Flex Queues.
An error occurred whilst trying to start the batch that sends smart emails in bulk. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst completing the batch that sends smart emails. Check the associated message for details.
A permissions error occurred whilst trying to process Subscriber Rules. Check the user that triggered the rules has the permissions to see the mapped fields.
An error occurred whilst attempting to retrieve List View information. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst attempting to process a List View based Import Wizard job. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst attempting to process automated security rules. Check the associated message for details.
An error occurred whilst trying to remove unused Salesforce Schedules related to redundant or paused Import Wizard jobs. The likely issue is that the user running the primary sync doesn't have permissions to remove redundant Salesforce Schedules. Check the accompanying error message for further details and if the problem persists contact us at
A problem occurred whilst trying to automatically create and link a Salesforce campaign to a Campaign Monitor campaign. Check the user that is running the primary sync has the "Marketing User" checkbox enabled as this is required when creating Salesforce campaigns.
A generic error occurred whilst creating or updating subscriber records in Salesforce. Check log for more details.
A field mapped from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce is invalid. It's possible the field has been mapped to the wrong data type. i.e. you can't map a text field to a number field. This exception can occur when syncing from Campaign Monitor back into Salesforce. The incorrectly mapped field will be displayed alongside the maintenance log.
A generic error occurred whilst creating subscriber records in Salesforce. Check log for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst creating or updating Salesforce records from Campaign Monitor records. Check all the fields are mapped and are of the correct data type for creating or updating Salesforce leads or contact. In particular check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the record from being saved. This can include restrictions on picklist values (i.e. the country name coming from Campaign Monitor may not match the Salesforce countries).
A generic error occurred whilst checking connection settings. Navigate to the sync settings page and check for any problems.
A generic error occurred whilst adding email tracking statistics to Salesforce. This can occur during the main sync from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce. Check log for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst adding campaign members to a Salesforce campaign. Check log for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst updating subscriber records in Salesforce. Check log for more details.
The scheduled job required for the premium subscriptions failed. Contact us.
A generic error occurred whilst syncing base configuration information from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce. Check log for more details.
An email opt out/in Salesforce field on contact or lead could not be updated. Check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the contact or lead from saving.
A permission error occurred whilst querying fields required to process a subscriber rule. Read more: Permissions.
The call to update licence details failed. This could impact premium features. Contact us if the problem persists for more than 24 hours. You can reduce the number of ProcessAsyncRecordsBatch's being run by setting 'Disable bulk triggers for account, contact and lead triggers' to active under sync settings. This will result in only the first record in a transaction being processed.
Campaign Monitor may not be available i.e. maintenance period etc. Contact us if the problem persists for more than 24 hours.
Salesforce has run out of storage. Read more: Storage
A generic error occurred whilst updating Salesforce records from Campaign Monitor records. Check all the fields are mapped and are of the correct data type for creating or updating Salesforce leads or contact. In particular check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the record from being saved. This can include restrictions on picklist values i.e. the country name coming from Campaign Monitor may not match the Salesforce countries.
A generic error occurred whilst processing an automatic subscription rule. Check log for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst importing Campaign Monitor campaign's or Journey statistics into Salesforce. Check log for more details.If there is a permissions error, check that the connected Campaign Monitor user has the correct Permissions to access the resource, i.e. if there is a journey permissions error, then check the user has access to view journeys. In some cases you may need to reconnect your Salesforce instance to Campaign Monitor. You can do this via the Sync settings screen.
The primary connected Campaign Monitor user may have been deleted from Campaign Monitor and can no longer be used to sync records with Salesforce. Navigate to sync settings and reconnect the connection. Read more: Sync Settings.
The smart email associated with the Salesforce task is no longer valid. It's possible the smart email message ID record on the task has been manually updated or the record in Campaign Monitor no longer exists i.e. the associated client has been deleted etc.
The import wizard relies on Salesforce scheduled jobs to run. In order for the job to run under the correct permissions, the schedule is created under the user requesting the import. If there are too many scheduled jobs already running, the import wizard will report this error.
A generic permission error occurred. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
A generic error occurred whilst trying to set up a task related to a smart email. Check log for more details.
The email tracking history records where unable to be added from Campaign Monitor. This is typically due to custom code, processes etc that are preventing the email tracking history record (i.e. Campaign_Activity__c) being inserted into Salesforce. When the records are inserted, they are typically added with a transaction size of 1000 records. If you have a trigger that is linked to the Campaign_Activity__c object, then it must be able to cater with these volumes.Check the associated log details in Maintenance for details on which custom trigger/process etc in Salesforce is causing the issue. Disable that custom trigger/process and then perform a Full sync (to ensure the email tracking history is correctly updated).
A generic error occurred whilst trying to unsubscribe an email from Campaign Monitor. Check log for more details.
The smart email configuration record cannot be found. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
A smart email failed to send due to permission issue. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
A generic error occurred whilst processing smart emails. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions. If the permissions are correct for the user running the smart email, setup a Salesforce debug Log to check for other errors. i.e. conflict with custom code or configuration.
A generic error occurred whilst trying to queue a record for smart emails. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
A generic error occurred whilst repeatedly trying to send smart emails. It's possible the connection to Campaign Monitor is down.
A generic error occurred whilst trying to send smart emails. It's possible the user doesn't have the correct permissions or Salesforce governor limits have been reached. If the problem persists Contact us.
Smart emails is a premium feature. To upgrade your licence see: Billing.
A generic error occurred whilst trying to bulk add subscribers to Campaign Monitor. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions. Check log for more details.
Unable to read Salesforce metadata. This can cause problems when bulk adding subscribers via a list view. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions. Check log for more details.
A generic error occurred whilst trying to process a record. This could be as part of a simple contact, lead update with subscriber rules, a transactional email update, a merging of records etc.Check the message displayed alongside the error. Some common errors are:A Salesforce governor limit, (queries) was reached whilst trying to add records to Campaign Monitor. This can occur if a bulk operation has been executed and the number of records in each batch exceeds the limit. Try the operation again with a smaller batch size.Also check user have the correct permission set. See: Permissions
The user does not have permission to perform an import from a list view whilst using the import wizard. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
This is an information message only. A smart email cannot be sent via a Queueable process due to a Salesforce governor limit (i.e. Queueable Jobs). The smart email item will be automatically added to the batch queue process and no further action is required (the batch process may take a little longer to process).It may be worth checking out why your Salesforce org has so many queuable items running as it could be causing other issues (unrelated to the integration). A good place to start is check Apex Logs.More information on Salesforce Queueables can be found here.
The page layout setup failed due to insufficient privileges. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Campaign Monitor for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.
The number of Salesforce Campaign member statuses has been reached. This can occur when Campaign Monitor for Salesforce attempts to auto-create Salesforce Campaign member statuses. This setting is controlled by Campaign status refresh behaviour. See: Manage Salesforce Campaign settings
One or more custom triggers have been detected on one of the Campaign Monitor for Salesforce objects. The custom triggers could have a detrimental effect on the main sync.
A problem occurred when trying to bulk update Campaign Monitor with custom mappings. Review the associated message in the maintenance log. It could be that Campaign Monitor was temporarily unavailable. If so, try refreshing the mappings in another hour. See: Full refresh of mapped fields.
A problem occurred whilst trying to access reports for the import wizard. Typically this is a permissions error. The user needs read access to the Salesforce objects folder and report.
A problem occurred whilst trying to retrospectively apply automatic subscription rules for a 'Add' rule. Typically this is a permissions error. Review the associated message and if the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to retrospectively apply automatic subscription rules for a 'Delete' rule. Typically this is a permissions error. Review the associated message and if the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to process a triggered event i.e. process a rule, apply custom mappings etc. Typically this is due to Campaign Monitor being in maintenance mode. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to update or insert a subscriber membership record. Check for any conflicting custom code that might be trying to update the same record at the same time. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst updating a Campaign Monitor subscriber. This message will contain the email address and an associated error message. The error message should contain details of the fault - i.e. “New email address is already subscribed to the list. subscriber not updated.”
A problem occurred whilst trying to process an update, delete or insert on update or insert a Salesforce Account, Lead or Contact record. This may occur when processing subscriber rules, field mappings, email renames or email opt out changes. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists contact Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to start a batch that processes Salesforce account, lead or contact records. This may occur when processing subscriber rules, field mappings, email renames or email opt out changes. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists contact Contact us.
Check the associated error message. The error could related to permissions when attempting to process further txn emails that were added in bulk. Typically these error recover by themselves automatically.
User cannot access permission sets when trying to access the deprecated Options page. Ensure the user has access to Permission set object in Salesforce.
A problem occurred whilst trying to automatically create the special Campaign Monitor segment field, used when auto generating segments from Salesforce data. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to automatically update the special Campaign Monitor segment field, used when the Import Wizard “Create Segment for Import” option is enabled. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists contact Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to automatically create a segment in Campaign Monitor based on the records referenced via an import wizard job. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A quality check failed when auto creating segments as part of an import wizard job. This can occur if a full successful sync has not run or before the auto creation of the Campaign Monitor segment. Force re-run the sync using the Reset data option in General settings - Maintenance.
This warning may occur when auto generating segments as part of an import wizard job. There are too many recent unsubscribes to re-enabling deleted subscribers. Perform a full resync first.
A generic problem occurred whilst importing records into Campaign Monitor via the import wizard, based on a Salesforce report. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst updating records in Salesforce whilst running the import wizard, based on a list view). Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
There was a mismatch between the number of records processed in a Report Import using the Import Wizard and the number of rows in the Salesforce report. This is largely informational as it’s possible there were duplicate rows in the report.
A problem occurred whilst trying to delete a subscriber from Campaign Monitor. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to bulk delete subscribers from Salesforce where the subscriber list was deleted in Campaign Monitor and the associated list and members in Salesforce also need to be deleted. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists contact Contact us.
An object used with field mappings is invalid. This can occur when trying to map using an object that cannot be queried. Typically the object is the result of a mapping that has a reference i.e. Contact.ReportsTo.
A problem occurred whilst trying to bulk update Campaign Monitor subscriber stats in Salesforce. For example there could be a permission error when trying to update Salesforce. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to bulk update Campaign Monitor subscriber stats in Salesforce. This can occur if Campaign Monitor is unavailable (it's possible it's down for maintenance). The next time the primary sync runs it will retry the operation. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to find the number of records in a Salesforce report. This message can occur if the Salesforce report is invalid for use with the import wizard.
A problem occurred whilst trying to finishing an Salesforce Report based import wizard schedule. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists Contact us.
A problem occurred whilst trying to delete a subscriber when attempting to rename a subscriber in Salesforce. Typically this means Campaign Monitor was unavailable. The email address that could not be set to a deleted state will be listed in the error. You will need to manually set the subscriber to deleted.
A problem occurred whilst trying to check if an existing primary sync is already running. Check the associated message. The running user may not have access to the Salesforce object named AsyncApexJob, user requires the permission "View Setup & Configuration." If this error occurs it means a job was manually started when one was in progress. This could result in locked records and in some cases statuses not being updated correctly in Salesforce.
Check the lead fields mapped from Campaign Monitor to Salesforce. A field has been mapped to the wrong data type. i.e. you can't map a text field to a number field.
A problem occurred whilst trying to schedule the import wizard. Typically this is the result of trying to run too many import wizard schedules within the same hour. As a result some may jobs may be delayed, they should run the next time the schedule runs.
A problem occurred whilst trying to remove a redundant subscriber list from Salesforce, where it has been deleted in Campaign Monitor. If the problem persists Contact us.
The Salesforce report used via the import wizard has too many rows. The maximum number of rows is 50K. Options: a) adding a filter to the report to reduce the number of rows, b) Use a list view, SOQL or campaign import type.
The Salesforce report used via the import wizard may be corrupted. There is a Salesforce defect around report metadata. Typically making a few changes to the report and re-saving can force the Salesforce metadata to be updated.