Maintenance Codes & Messages

This page contains all the codes and messages you may see on the Maintenance screen in Salesforce.


There was a DML issue whilst updating Salesforce records related to a Report based Import. Check associated message for details.


Check Salesforce is connected to Emma. Unable to find Emma Account for the List View based Import.


There was a DML issue whilst updating Salesforce records related to a List View based Import. Check associated message for details.


Salesforce user does not have enough permissions to view package licence details. Check associated message.




An error occurred whilst trying to update members on a group in bulk. This typically means there were too many other jobs running in Salesforce. Try to space out import wizard jobs. If the problem persist, try using Emma Segments.


An error occurred whilst trying to run an import wizard job. This typically means there were too many other jobs running in Salesforce. Try to space out import wizard jobs.


An error occurred was trying to calculate the mailing rates. Check the associated message for any obvious errors (i.e. conflicts with custom triggers etc). If the problem persist, contact


There may be a delay when running Import Jobs. This is typically because there are too many other scheduled jobs running in the org or you have too many import wizard jobs running at the same time.


There was a permissions issue when attempting to perform a system check on the number of jobs running. Check that the primary user has the Emma admin permission set assigned.


There may be a delay when running Import Jobs. This is typically because there are too many other scheduled jobs running in the org or you have too many import wizard jobs running at the same time.


The Salesforce report used for the import wizard job may be corrupted. Use the report ID in the error message to find the report and then edit and save the report.


An error occurred whilst trying to pull in email tracking stats from Emma into Salesforce. Typically the sync will recover from this error and can be ignored. If the problem persists, contact


An error occurred whilst trying to pull in email tracking stats from Emma into Salesforce. Typically the sync will recover from this error and can be ignored. If the problem persists, contact


The Salesforce report used for the import wizard job has too many rows. It can only process 50K rows in a single report. Try filtering the report or use another import source (i.e. list view, SOQL etc).


An error occurred when finishing an Import Wizard job based on a Salesforce report. Check the report is working correctly. If the issue continues, contact


A generic error occurred whilst trying to process an update to Salesforce lead or contact that required syncing with Emma. Typically this error can be ignored as the system will attempt to recover from the error.


The Salesforce report used for the import wizard job may be corrupted. Use the report ID in the error message to find the report and then edit and save the report.


An error occurred whilst trying to tidy up the process async batch. This may occur if the user that initiated the batch doesn't have the correct permissions.


When accessing the Security screen under general settings, the user needs to have access to Salesforce permission sets.


This can occur if Salesforce has too many batch jobs running at any time. This could be due to other batch jobs running in your org. Typically this error can be ignored.


A problem occurred whilst managing billing. Check the associated error message and make changes accordingly. If the problem persists contact


A problem occurred when automatically assigning Emma permission sets as part of the install. If this occurs attempt to re-add the Emma permission sets via the Security screen under general settings.


A generic error occurred whilst attempting to add a Salesforce Contact to Emma. If the problem persists contact


A problem occurred whilst trying to refresh Emma groups via the Email Accounts page in Salesforce. It could be Emma was down for maintenance or a network issue occurred. If the problem persists contact


A generic error occurred whilst attempting to add a Salesforce Lead to Emma. If the problem persists contact


A problem occurred whilst trying to map an unsupported field on a Salesforce object to an Emma field. If the problem persists contact


A problem occurred whilst retrieving field mappings. This could be due to customization of fields and objects within Salesforce. Contact if the problem persists.


A problem occurred whilst trying to update Emma when renaming an Email. It could be the email being renamed is on too many Emma accounts. Depending on how security is setup in Salesforce and Emma, the renam for the email will be attempted across all Emma accounts that are linked to Salesforce.


The page layout setup failed due to insufficient privileges. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Emma for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.


A problem occurred whilst trying to access reports for the import wizard. Typically this is a permissions error. The user needs read access to the Salesforce objects folder and report


A problem occurred when trying to bulk update Emma with custom mappings. Review the associated message in the maintenance log. It could be that Emma was temporarily unavailable or the same import has been run in the past hour. If so, try refreshing the mappings in another hour.


The import wizard relies on Salesforce scheduled jobs to run. In order for the job to run under the correct permissions, the schedule is created under the user requesting the import. If there are too many scheduled jobs already running, the import wizard will report this error.


The page layout setup failed due to insufficient privileges. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Emma for Salesforce. Read more: Permissions.


A Salesforce governor limit (Queries) was reached whilst trying to add records to Emma. This can occur if a bulk operation has been executed and the number of records in each batch exceeds the limit. Try the operation again with a smaller batch size. Also check user have the correct permission set.


A generic permission error occurred. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Emma for Salesforce.


Unable to read Salesforce metadata. This can cause problems when bulk adding subscribers via a list view or updating page layouts on install. Check the associated user has the correct permissions to use Emma for Salesforce.


A generic occurred whilst import Emma statistics into Salesforce. Typically this error will self recover on the next sync. It may occur if Emma is down for maintenance or there was a network outage. Check maintenance logs for more details.


A generic occurred whilst updating Salesforce with Emma statistics. Typically this error will self recover on the next sync. It may occur if Emma is down for maintenance or there was a network outage. Check maintenance logs for more details.


A generic error occurred whilst updating fields in Salesforce whilst importing audience member details from Emma. Check all the fields are mapped and are of the correct data type for creating or updating Salesforce leads or contact (i.e. don't map a string field to a number field in Salesforce). In particular check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the record from being saved. This can include restrictions on picklist values (i.e. the country name coming from Emma may not match the Salesforce countries).


Salesforce has run out of storage.


Emma may not be available (i.e. maintenance period, network issue etc). Contact if the problem persists for more than 24 hours.


The call to update licence details failed. This could impact Emma features within Salesforce. Contact if the problem persists for more than 24 hours.


An Email opt out/in Salesforce field on contact or lead could not be updated. Check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the contact or lead from saving. For example, simply edit the Salesforce contact or lead and try saving it. If there are any validation errors, they will be reported on screen as you attempt to save the record.


A generic occurred whilst syncing base configuration information from Emma to Salesforce. Check log for more details.


A generic occurred whilst updating Emma audience records in Salesforce. This can occur when import audience records from Emma into Salesforce. Check log for more details.


The scheduled job required for the premium subscriptions failed. Contact


A generic occurred whilst running field mappings. Check log for more details.


A generic API exception occurred whilst calling Emma. This can happen when attempting to create audience members in Emma. It could be Emma was down for maintenance or a network issue occurred. Check log for more details.


A generic error occurred whilst creating or updating Salesforce records after importing record from Emma check all the fields are mapped and are of the correct data type for creating or updating Salesforce leads or contact. In particular check for any validation rules in Salesforce that would prevent the record from being saved. This can include restrictions on picklist values (i.e. the country name coming from Emma may not match the Salesforce countries).



A generic occurred whilst creating or updating subscriber records in Salesforce. Check log for more details.


Check the lead fields mapped from Emma to Salesforce. A field has been mapped to the wrong data type. i.e you can't map a text field to a number field.

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