Process Builder

3 minute read
  • Salesforce Process Builder allows you to build complex flows without code.

  • Emma for Salesforce provides Actions that work with process builder allowing you to:

    • Add a contact or lead to an Emma group
    • Remove a contact or lead from an Emma group
    • Delete a contact or lead from Emma

Process builder is an advanced topic. To learn more, please refer to the Salesforce trailhead guide on how to use the Salesforce process builder.

Use the steps below to create your process builder flow:

Process builder does not work well when triggered in bulk i.e. when many records meet the flow criteria at once. Only use process builder if you are comfortable with how it works and have tested your flows.

  1. Click Add action.

  2. Choose Apex on action type.

  3. Give the action a Name.

  4. In apex class start to type this will display our process builder ready actions:

    a.    Add contact to Emma group

    b.    Add lead to Emma group

    c.    Delete a contact from Emma audience

    d.    Delete a lead from Emma audience

    e.    Remove contact from Emma group

    f.    Remove lead from Emma group

  5. When working with the add, delete or remove rules you will need to specify either the contact or lead ID depending on what object you are working with. The contact or lead ID is simply the Salesforce record ID.

  6. The Group ID can be found on the Emma group on the details screen under the collapsed System information.

Instant import wizard

The instant import wizard invokable action allows you to start an import based on a process flow. When the flow is triggered the import will start instantly. If you don't already have an import setup first Create one. Once the import is setup you will see the import ID i.e. SI-0001 take a note of this ID.

Next create your process flow and click add action.

Action type = Apex
Action name = Enter a name i.e. start import wizard
Apex class = Start an import wizard job

On Set apex variables click the Add row button. There is only one variable which is called Import ID.  The type is String, the value will be the ID you copied down earlier. See the screenshot below for a graphical representation .

Next Steps

Below are two articles that are recommended reading and the best next steps.
In this article