Release Notes

Whenever we release a new feature or improvement we will update the section below. New versions are automatically pushed to Salesforce organisations on a regular basis. You can also manually upgrade by going to our Listing and click the get it now button.

If you would prefer not to have updates pushed to your Salesforce organisation, please Contact us.


July 15, 2024

Allow the Event Description field to be mapped to a Salesforce Campaign field.

Allow the Event Description field to be mapped to a Salesforce Campaign field.


June 25, 2024

Increase Campaign Member Status Limit

Salesforce has a hard limit when working with campaign member statuses. This update allows to better cater for that limit.


April 4, 2024

Audit purge data events

This update will show a log if a user has purged Eventbrite Events via the audit screen found in maintenance.


March 21, 2024

Allow custom reports to show in Eventbrite reports

This update allows you to store your own custom reports within our report buttons.

Store Event Descriptions

Currently Eventbrite descriptions are surfaced in real time. This update stores the description within Salesforce, so it’s available for reporting with Salesforce.

Allow Eventbrite coupon codes to be created from Salesforce

This update all you to use an invocable action to create an Eventbrite coupon from Salesforce.


February 14, 2024

Add Tickets Sold to Salesforce Campaign

This updated allows you to map total tickets sold to the Salesforce Campaign object.


January 25, 2024

Automatic Security Rule Assignment

This update adds automated assignment of permission sets via security rules to Eventbrite.

Allow the Campaign Name to be formatted with custom dates

This improvement allows the Campaign Name pattern to include date formatting.


October 24, 2023

Improve syncing answers

This update adds better support and error handling when syncing answers.

All clone invocable action to work with Salesforce record Id

This update adds support when working with the Salesforce record Id.


August 23, 2023

Assign Leads Using Assignment Rules

This improvement allows newly created leads to use assignment rules.


July 13, 2023

Set Campaign to Active when Draft, Live or Started

When we create a Salesforce campaign it will now be marked active if the corresponding Eventbrite event is draft, live or started.

Optionally re-parent previously linked Leads, Contacts and Accounts

This improvement allows you to re-parent previously linked lead, contact or account records as part of the full sync. When selecting a full sync you check to have records reparented.

Clone Events

This new feature allows you to clone an Eventbrite event from the corresponding Salesforce record.


June 19, 2023

Eventbrite for Salesforce - auto create questions and mappings

Automatically create questions and mappings for new events based on previous mappings.

Currently, you can clone the mappings for an existing event via the questions/answers screen. There’s the potential for automating this via some central screen where the user selects an event to copy from, and possibly filter which events will be selected to have new mappings created.


May 29, 2023

Allow category and sub category to be mapped

This improvemennt allows an Eventbrite event category and sub category to be mapped to a Salesforce campaign.


April 12, 2023

Automatically set Marketing User when Campaigns enabled.

If you enable the auto create Salesforce campaigns option you need to have the marketing user checked on your Salesforce user. This improvement will attempt to check the marketing user for you if it is not already enabled.

Direct user to settings if not connected

If the Salesforce Org is not connected to any Eventbrite Orgs, then a message will appear on the main Eventbrite Events list that directs the Salesforce user to sync settings.


January 1, 2023

Quantity on Campaign or Opportunity

This change adds the ticket quantity to the opportunity record when linked to an Eventbrite order.


November 8, 2022

Add Event Organiser to Campaign Mappings

This update adds the Eventbrite event organise to the campaign mappings screen.


September 21, 2022

Adding standard tabs to Eventbrite App

We have just added the general settings tab to the standard Salesforce Eventbrite app.


Add default values when mapping fields

In the “Contact Mapping” screen allow other Salesforce fields to contain default values.

E.g. Check a particular checkbox as true for every contact that is created by Eventbrite.

In addition the contact field we have had another request to have this set at the Salesforce campaign level.


August 15, 2022

General Styling Improvements

General styling improvements when Salesforce is in comfy mode.


August 3, 2022

Provide warning when selecting Salesforce rules

Matching and duplicate rule are powerful Salesforce features which can be used with our Eventbrite product. If matching rules are selected we will provide additional guidance to Salesforce documentation.


July 20, 2022

Improve audit logging for schedules

This improvement adds extra logging when updating schedules.


June 21, 2022

Eventbrite Opportunity Contact Roles

If you choose we can automatically create Salesforce opportunities based on Eventbrite Orders.  Additionally, when the opportunity is created we also create an opportunity contact role.  Via our mappings screen, you can select the type that is used -


June 15, 2022

Support Printing of Invoices

If you need to print a copy of your invoice we now provide an that option via our billing tab contained within the admin app.


May 11, 2022

Improved page header styling

Minor improvements to page header styling.


May 9, 2022

Improved page header styling

Minor improvements to align the page layout header.

Improve messaging when creation rule enabled but no fields are mapped.

To help with validation in addition to logging an error we now show a warning banner if the creation rules is enabled but no fields are mapped.


April 26, 2022

Improve sidebar menu icons

We have Improved our sidebar menu icons to make them clearer.


April 19, 2022

Exclude standard buttons from Event list view

This minor improvement excludes the standard buttons from the Event list viewin Salesforce.


April 14, 2022

Additional information boxes

To help provide guidance in-app we have updated our information boxes and applied clearer formatting.

Matching rules require a duplicate rule

For the matching process to work correctly a duplicate rule needs to be set up correctly. We now provide extra messaging to help.


January 20, 2022

Support add-ons

Added support for displaying Event add-ons (E.g. t-shirts etc). Add-On's can be viewed on the main Event details page and also in a new report named “Eventbrite - Add Ons).


January 13, 2022

Improve logging around rules

Improve logging when processing attendee rules.


January 7, 2022

Add ability to tune system settings in Maintenance

Given the diverse customisations that can be applied to Salesforce, it may be required to tune selected backend settings to help with govenor limits. For example you might want to change the batch size of a particular job. To help we have added a screen which can be access via our maintenance tab to make these changes.

This operation is very advanced and should be fully understood before making any changes.


October 26, 2021

Retain field mappings when copying questions

With this improvement you can copy questions from another Eventbrite event. If these questions have been mapped to Salesforce fields the mappings will also be brought across.

Auto enable marketing user checkbox

The marketing user is required when working with Salesforce Campaigns. To help avoid errors we will automatically check this if you have chosen to auto create Salesforce campaigns.

Show number of attendees in a Sandbox

To help understand costs better when testing our product in a sandbox we now show the total number of attendees this can be found via the billing tab.


October 19, 2021

Update Card Payment Method

We have improved the process within our application to allow customers to update the card details.

Report on Donations

Report on tickets that are marked as donations.


September 27, 2021

Improve error reporting when updating Contacts/Leads/Person Accounts

Include the record Id when reporting update errors on Improve error reporting when updating Contacts/Leads/Person Accounts. This is specific to objects updated by the rules engine.


September 26, 2021

Records not created when Salesforce Country picklist is enabled.

Essentially to test this in beta:

1. I enabled the standard pick lists.
2. I set up a new attendee in Eventbrite and set the country value to the United States
3. Then ran the sync and got this error -

24/09/2021, 14:34
Support Code

Unable to create Lead. {"errType":"LEAD: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION","description":"There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: Country. Fields: (Country)"}

But the values are the same, so I suspect the API is transforming it.


September 22, 2021

When creating leads for person accounts, keep company name blank

When creating leads for "personal accounts", keep "company name" blank when it's not provided. Previously it would be populated with [Not Provided].


September 21, 2021

Report Missing Field Permissions

Customers may get “Insufficient permissions: secure query included inaccessible field” if we are unable to read fields using SOQL.

Consider adding which fields couldn't be queried.


September 17, 2021

Locked Records

When our code runs it, like all code, can be conflicted with by other processes running in the Salesforce org. For example if we are trying to update a Salesforce contact it is likely this will trigger other code. If that code is updating the record in some way Salesforce can lock the record to prevent changes until the process has completed, this will in turn stop other code like ours from working. This update improves how our code works with locked records when we are trying to update Contacts, Leads and Campaign Members


September 8, 2021

Add Event Name to the Order Layout

Add Event Name to the Order object so it can be used natively on Salesforce related lists.


August 31, 2021

Report Missing Field Permissions

Salesforce has a complex security model which must be obeyed by products like ours. If you are trying to add or update records using Salesforce data it is possible that the user running the process will not have access to all the fields required for it to complete. The process to find which fields or objects are no accessible is not an easy one. This update improves upon the process to attempt to show which fields or objects are no accessible.


August 3, 2021

When an Eventbrite account has been disconnected or deleted clear out the copied Salesforce records.

This update improves how we remove Eventbrite records store in our Salesforce custom objects should the associated Eventbrite account be deleted or disconnected.


August 2, 2021

Report on Ticket types against Campaign Members

We have added a new lookup between thecampaign member and attendee objects. This allows for improved reporting around attendees and related records (such as Eventbrite tickets).

Reset Eventbrite Mappings in a Salesforce Sandbox

Support sandbox developer orgs (where data is not copied across from the production org).


July 26, 2021

Add support for person accounts

In addition to creating and update Salesforce contacts and leads the Eventbrite integration now works with person accounts.


June 28, 2021

Add the affiliate field to an order.

This release includes an update to allow the Eventbrite affilate field to be mapped to Salesforce.


June 2, 2021

Audit Log

The audit log is a new feature found within our maintenance tab. It allows administrators to see what settings have been updated by users.


May 27, 2021

Transferred values added to opportunitiy stages.

We have added transferred as a new option to map via our opportunity stages.


May 26, 2021

Add Event Type and Category fields to the Eventbrite Event object

We have added more information to the Salesforce Eventbrite Event Details section including the type and category.


May 24, 2021

Show the Event Organiser on the Eventbrite Event Details page

Show the Event Organise on the Eventbrite Event Details page


May 24, 2021

Update Salesforce when an attendee or order is deleted or refunded in Eventbrite

We have provided additional support when an order or attendee is updated. In particular we provide updates when orders are deleted or refunded, in addition we update the corresponding attendee records.


May 12, 2021

Display data type and help against mapping fields

To help better see which data types are being used when mapping fields we have added some icons.


April 22, 2021

Eventbrite Edit button on the Salesforce Campaign

We have added a new ‘Edit’ button (that opens Eventbrite) on the Campaign page


April 21, 2021

Notify users of maintenance messages

We have improved the notification process when working with our maitenance messages.

Improved validation.

We have improved contact matching validation to help when working with Salesforce matching rules.


April 20, 2021

Validate matching rules

We have added a new feature which will will validate matching rules when creating contacts of leads via our mapping screen.


April 7, 2021

Map "Keep me updated"

We have added the ability to map the "Keep me updated" field in Eventbrite to Salesforce.


April 6, 2021

Audit Log

We have split our maintenance messages so that you can now see user changes under a new tab called audit.


March 11, 2021

Platform Events

Spring 21 included some new feature for Salesforce ISVs to work with platform events. These will help the product in regard to error reporting and will be a feature we build upon going forward.


March 9, 2021

Better Error Reporting when creating Contacts or Leads

If mappings are configured to create Leads or Contacts, we now report any errors in the Maintenance logs. E.g. if a mapped field like Country does not exist in Salesforce.


March 3, 2021

Additional field support

We have now added the following fields to the Eventbrite Order object so they can be mapped into the Opportunities.

  • Event Start
  • Event End
  • Event Name

Eventbrite Questions & Answers

Eventbrite Questions and Answers have received a major update. It is not possible to:

1. Create Questions

2. Clone Questions from another Event

3. Map Answers to Contacts or Leads

To learn more please check out the dedicated support article -


February 11, 2021

Support for online event links

If the event is online, a button will now display on the event details page that navigates directly to the Online home page for that event within Eventbrite. The page shows any links, zoom calls, youtube videos etc associate with the event.

Net Sales and Tickets sold.

To aid reporting in Salesforce we have added net sales and tickets sold fields to our event object. This will allow you to create reports and dashboards.


January 29, 2021

New fields to capture the organiser of the event.

We have added new fields to capture the organiser of event in Salesforce