Can I add my own reports to the custom Eventbrite screens?

On several of our custom screens in Salesforce, like the Events List or Orders/Attendees screen on a specific event, there is a 'Reports' button. Clicking this button shows a list of specific reports we include for you. 

To incorporate your custom reports into those lists, you need to add a special prefix to the Report Unique Name (the API name). Each prefix aligns with the screen it's meant for. 

Below are the screens equipped with a 'Reports' button and the requisite API name prefix.

Append this prefix to the Unique Report Name, not the Report Name.

  • Events List: Eventbrite_List
  • Event Details ScreenEventbrite_
  • Orders/Attendees Screen: Eventbrite_Order_
  • Questions/Answers Screen:Eventbrite_Answer_
  • Emails Screen: Employ the Eventbrite_Email_


For a report named "Example report1", with a Unique Report Name (API name) of Example_report1, here is what the prefix will look like for each screen.  

  • Event Lists View: Eventbrite_List_Example_report1
  • Event Details ScreenEventbrite_Example_report1
  • Orders/Attendees Screen: Eventbrite_Order_Example_report1
  • Questions/Answers Screen: Eventbrite_Answer_Example_report1
  • Emails Screen: Employ the Eventbrite_Email_Example_report1

Here is a screenshot of a report that will be included on the Orders/Attendees screen's report list: 

Apart from the Events List View, reports on all of the other screens open those reports so that it is filtered to the specific Eventbrite Event. 

To filter your custom report similarly:

  • Set your first report's first filter to the Event ID field (not the "Eventbrite Event ID", which is the Salesforce record ID)
  • Leave the filter blank when you save the report. Note: Your report will return no rows if you open it from the Reports tab
  • We will fill that Event ID filter for you via a URL parameter as we redirect you to the report (Example URL: /lightning/r/Report/00OS8000001ONuHMAW/view?fv0=557428191727)

Here is a sample of how the filter looks: Again, saving the report like this will return no rows. This is fine; we fill the filter when you open it from our button.

Need more help? You can also look at some of our packaged reports to see how that filter is filled from the reports button or learn more about prefilling report parameters from Salesforce Help.

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