What happens when you first connect and sync?

The important thing to note is that when the primary sync runs for the first time, we push data from Campaign Monitor into our Salesforce custom objects. This means that the data is ring-fenced and can be easily tuned. It also means we will not be adding data to your standard objects like contacts or leads. Data is just copied from Campaign Monitor, so it is always safe there. Going forward the primary sync will run every hour by default. We do this via scheduled APEX batch jobs to make the process as efficient as possible and respectful of Salesforce limits.

The updates we make as part of the primary sync are:

  • Subscriber lists.
  • Subscriber lists members.
  • Subscriber list member status changes, i.e., unsubscribes or bounces.
  • Email tracking history for mass emails.
  • Email tracking history for journeys.
  • Creating Salesforce Campaign Monitor Campaigns.


Our application allows you to enable certain features which will also run as part of the primary sync:

  • Creating Salesforce Campaigns.
  • Creating Salesforce contact or lead records.
  • Field mappings in the direction of Campaign Monitor to Salesforce.
  • Syncing the email opt-out field

When you want to add data from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor, you will most likely use our import wizard. The import wizard itself has an in-built scheduler to give you more control. The scheduler allows you to choose when and how often data is pushed to Campaign Monitor.

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