How do checkboxes work in Campaign Monitor?

Handling checkboxes varies depending on the direction of data flow between Salesforce and Campaign Monitor.

Salesforce to Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor does not support checkbox/boolean data types. We recommend mapping the Salesforce checkbox to either a Campaign Monitor text field or a picklist to handle this. Here are the options:

Text Field: This is the simplest method. When you push data from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor, the text field will store the value as “true” or “false” without restrictions.

Picklist Field: You can also map your checkbox to a "Multiple options (select one option)" field type in Campaign Monitor, with the values 'true' and 'false' (lower case).

Note: To map a Salesforce checkbox to any value other than the true/false picklist we can support in Campaign Monitor, you will need to create a separate formula field in salesforce that translates the checkbox value to your Campaign Monitor picklist values (Yes, No, etc) and them map that. You will only be able to map this formula field via the Import Wizard, not field mappings (formulas can't trigger field mappings).

Campaign Monitor to Salesforce

When mapping data from Campaign Monitor back to Salesforce via Field Mappings, you can use a picklist field in Campaign Monitor with the data type set to “Multiple Options (select one option)”.

The integration supports the following option values in that Campaign Monitor field for mapping to a Salesforce  checkbox:

• Yes or No

• 1 or 0

• True or False

These values are not case-sensitive, ensuring flexibility and ease of integration.

More about synching data both ways can be found in the bi-directional sync FAQ.

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