Can I trigger a Campaign Monitor Journey from Salesforce?
A Campaign Monitor Journey is an automated email or series of emails triggered by specific events in Campaign Monitor. They are often used to welcome new subscribers or engage customers.
Campaign Monitor for Salesforce can trigger Journeys in several ways, detailed below, and track when the automated journey emails are sent on contacts and leads. Journey emails can merge in Salesforce data as well, by mapping the necessary fields to Campaign Monitor custom fields.
Here are the journey triggers you can leverage with a Salesforce integration:
- Enable the "Trigger joins a list journey's when adding subscribers" in CM Settings tab, under general settings.
- Then use the import wizard (recommended) or subscriber rules to add your Salesforce contacts or leads to the list.
- Write your journey to trigger when a subscriber joins a list.
- Import the Salesforce data you would like to segment on, via an import wizard or field mapping.
- Create segmentation rules in Campaign Monitor based on those fields. Segments are dynamic, and subscribers will come on and off them as soon as the data included in the rule changes.
- Write your journey to trigger from the segment entrance/exit.
- Map the Salesforce date field to a custom field via the import wizard or field mappings.
- Write your journey to trigger from that custom date field.