What is the best way to test?

We recommend testing in a Salesforce sandbox using a separate Campaign Monitor account.  This ensures both Salesforce and Campaign Monitor data is protected.  Some tests may need Campaign Monitor data or you might need to test in production.  Here are some useful points to note:

When you first install and connect Campaign Monitor to Salesforce the primary sync will run.  The primary sync will push data from Campaign Monitor into the Salesforce custom objects which make up our package.  We use Salesforce custom objects as they give us more control while ring-fencing your data.  Only a copy of your data is taken from Campaign Monitor and out of the box there are no settings that would update your standard Salesforce records. 

Similarly, you need to set up any bulk or automated process within our application to push data from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor, for example, our import wizard. If these are not in place no data will be pushed from Salesforce to Campaign with one exception. If you update a Salesforce contact or lead's name or email address that is active in Campaign Monitor we'll attempt to update Campaign Monitor.  This is because we have triggers on the contact and lead objects.  You can disable these triggers via our options screen as shown here - https://d.pr/pnzGoe
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