Why are Salesforce Campaigns not being created?

There can be a few reasons why Salesforce campaigns are not being created.  To help we have put a list below of some common checks your administrator or consultant can perform;

1. Has the Campaign Monitor Campaign been sent. We only sync sent Campaign Monitor campaigns.

2. Is the Campaign Monitor Campaign visible, it is unusual for it not to be but it is technically possible. You can make a campaign invisible from within Campaign Monitor.

3. Are you storing email tracking data at least 1 day must be stored click here to check.

4. Has the primary sync run recently and successfully click here to check.

5. Is the auto-create Salesforce campaigns option enabled click here to check, and navigate to the campaigns screen.

6. As per point 5 are there any filters that would stop the campaign from being created, this is visible on the campaigns screen.

7. Are you seeing any error messages in maintenance click here to check.
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